
Welcome. Here I'll share my parenting journey and hope you can connect and relate.

So here I am

So here I am


I'm trying something new. I'm stepping out of my comfortable and easy zone and branching out. 

I'm exploring a new territory and hoping to create a deeper space for myself to share my journey. 

So here I am. With a an actual site, one that I want to maintain and update and develop to be a source of comfort, help, support and enjoyment for anyone who is attracted to read my posts or interact with me here. 

My hope is to be a place where other mothers find comfort and connection. And, I could be even more than that. Because everyone and anyone is welcome here to share and explore a life of balance. A life where you pursue fulfillment in work and at home. My home has a husband and children (and a dog). Your home may not. I still hope I may offer words that you enjoy to read, and a community you want to talk with. 

I'll talk a lot about parenting. And you'll see a lot of bwelfies (babywearing selfies). 

Don't worry, this isn't for fakebook. I keep it real and love #messyreality. 

But, I usually take a few pictures so I can post the most flattering one. I want to start our relationship from a place of truth. 

I hope you'll join me on this new creative endeavor. I'll need you here, adding your voice, offering support, and giving me ideas and inspiration. 

So welcome, I'm really glad you're here. 

Here we go! 



A Quick Hit

A Quick Hit